Get in line, sister

I want my life to get bigger, not smaller...

~ Debbie from GLOW

Keep Hope Alive!

Hope” is the thing with feathers

by Emily Dickenson

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.

Personal note:  Emily Dickenson wrote with a particular cadence, and you can sing her poems to the melody of the "Gilligan's Island" theme song. 

Joy is the opposite of fear.

~ Carlos Santana

Warrior Truths

“As we stand here tonight, there are thousands of nuclear missiles pointing right at us, and if we were to get an attack, we would have 30 minutes, 30 minutes, before we were hit. 

There is no shelter. This is the warmonger’s hoax. There is no shelter. It’s all a lie." 

~ Tulsi Gabbard