The world will ask you who you are,
and if you do not know, the world will tell you.
~ Carl Jung
Where your fear is, there is your task
~ Carl Jung

Thinking is difficult.

That’s why most people judge.

~ Carl Jung


The goal is to die with memories, not dreams.
~ found on the internet

Keep on flowing

Running water never grows stale, 

so you gotta just keep on flowing…

~ Bruce Lee

Interesting thought

The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury
~ Marcus Aurelius

I concur

If there is something I could do or something I could say that would make you be happy just being with me, I'd do it.  
I'd do it in a nanosecond, but I ain't got no control over any of that.
~ Ted Lasso, in Ted Lasso
The truth will set you free… but first, it will piss you off. 
~ Dr. Sharon Fieldstone, in Ted Lasso

Sounds about right...

 A relationship without mutual respect is dead

~ found in a blog post

A Man’s Poem

When I was young, I thought I’d live forever. 
When I was young, I thought fun was the thing. 
When I was young, I cared little for what others thought. 
When I was young, I knew not what regret felt like. 
When I became a dad, I thought I might not live long enough. 
When I became a dad, I thought fun was for the kids. 
When I became a dad, I cared deeply what the kids thought. 
When I became a dad, I understood what regret was. 
When I was old, I realized I’d not live long enough. 
When I was old, I thought fun was the thing, again. 
When I was old, I cared little for what others thought, again. 
When I was old, I deeply understood what regret felt like. 
Now that I’m old, I yearn to be young again!

~ Dan Mills

An Eternal Truth

Adversity is the test of virtue.
~ Senecaha

Applies to personal goals AND with relationships...

If you really wanted it, you would make time for it.

~ Bret O.

One of the saddest things…

‘I have led a toothless life’, he thought.

‘A toothless life. I have never bitten into anything.

I was waiting.

I was reserving myself for later on - and I have just noticed that my teeth have gone.’ 

~ Jean-Paul Sartre

Gossip and the Three Sieves - Socrates

In Ancient Greece, Socrates had a great reputation for wisdom. 

One day, someone came to find the great philosopher and said to him: "Do you know what I just heard about your friend?” 

"A moment," replied Socrates. "Before you tell me, I would like to test it with the three sieves.” 

"The three sieves?” 

"Yes," continued Socrates. "Before you speak about others, it's important to take the time to filter what you mean. I call it the test of the three sieves. 

The first sieve is TRUTH. Have you checked if what you're going to tell me is true?” 

"No, I just heard it.” 

"Very well! So, you don't know if it's true. Let's move on to the second sieve, that of KINDNESS. Is what you want to tell me about my friend something good?” 

"Oh, no! On the contrary.” 

"So," questioned Socrates, "you want to tell me something negative about him, and you're not even sure it's true? Perhaps you can still pass the test of the third sieve, that of UTILITY. Is it useful for me to know what you're going to tell me about this friend?” 

"No, not really.” 

"Therefore," concluded Socrates, "what you were going to tell me is neither true, nor good, nor useful. Why, then, did you want to tell me this?" "Gossip is a bad thing. Initially, it may seem enjoyable and fun, but ultimately, it fills our hearts with bitterness and poisons us."

Lesson learned

I learned a lesson - Never half-ass two things
Whole-ass one thing.
~ Ron Swanson

I remind myself of this often

Fitness isn't about being better than someone else. It's about being better than you used to be. 
~ Mackenzie Smith

Me, too...

I want it to be the way it was between us…
~ Daenerys Targaryen to Jon Snow, in Game of Thrones