1800: "He is one of the most detestable of mankind" (Martha Washington, to a clergyman, about Thomas Jefferson)
1800: He is “a hideous hermaphroditical character which has neither the force and firmness of a man, not the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.” (James Thomson Callender, about John Adams)
1860: ...and a horrid-looking wretch he is! - sooty and scroundrelly in aspect; a cross between the nutmeg salesman, the horse-swapper, and the nightman. (Harper's Weekly, about Abraham Lincoln)
1864: Filthy story-teller, Ignoramus Abe, Despot, Old scoundrel, big secessionist, perjurer, liar, robber, thief, swindler, braggart, tyrant, buffoon, fiend, usurper, butcher, monster, land-pirate, a long, lean, lank, lantern-jawed, high-cheeked-boned, spavined, rail-splitting stallion (a compendium of insults lobbed at Abraham Lincoln, according to Harper's Weekly)
1866: Grant is nothing more than a drunken trowser-maker!
1967: Hey, hey, L-B-J. How many kids did you kill today?
2022: Let's Go Brandon!