You can’t go to a SUPER BOWL PARADE, a bowling alley, to a restaurant, to work, to the mall, to a grocery store, to your church, to the movies or the bank.You can’t attend a concert, go to a dance class or go to see your doctor.You can’t ring a doorbell, use a leaf blower, hop in a car, pull down a driveway, bounce a ball, or ask the neighbor to keep it down.You can’t check out a farmer’s market or pick up a package at the post office or go to a Fourth of July parade, and you certainly can’t send your kids to school without worrying that someone will get shot.That someone you LOVE will get shot.Or that YOU will get shot.This is where we are now.This is not normal.This upside down reality is being imposed upon us by those who equate firearms with freedom.This is anything BUT freedom.And. This. Is. Not. A. Reality. We. Have. To. Accept.I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS REALITY.
~ Jo on Twitter
Context note - today February 14, 2024 - after the KC Chiefs Super Bowl victory parade, a moron opened fire on the crowd, killing one and wounding 11 to 20 (numbers are not final at this time)