A little outer space humor!

Captain, I respectfully submit that the attractiveness of the ship's occupant makes rescue imperative!

~ Lt. Malloy to Capt. Mercer, the Orville

Madness, indeed...

Princess Ceinwyn: "Do you understand that madness? (meaning love)"


"I do understand that you can look in someone's eyes 

and suddenly know that life will be impossible without them,

and know that their voice can make your heart miss a beat,

and that their company is all your heart can ever desire, 

and that their absence will leave your soul alone, bereft, and lost."

Princess Ceinwyn:  "Has that every happened to you, Lord Derfel?"

"It has never happened until this moment, my Lady."

~ Derfel to Princess Ceinwyn, in The Winter King

Sometimes, yes

Sometimes, the only reason why you won’t let go of what’s making you sad is because it was the only thing that made you happy. 
~ found on the interwebs


The hardest thing I have ever done is to walk away still madly in love with you.

~ found on the interwebs

There's always a last time. We just don't know when...

Kiss me.  Kiss me as if it were the last time

~ Ilsa to Rick, in Cabalanca

Wait, what?

There's what's right and there's what's right and never the twain shall meet.

~ H.I. McDunnough (Nicolas Cage) to Ed (Holly Hunter), in Raising Arizona

If only...

Brie: "Brady, I'm in love with you."

Brady: "Right now that's true.  And that's enough for me."

~ Star-struck couple, in bed, on Virgin River

I can't decide about this...

Be decisive.

Right or wrong, make a decision.

The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who couldn't make a decision.

~ found on the interwebs

As in Mind, so in Manifestation

Imagine what you want then get out of the way

Remember energy follows thought so be careful what you say

So be careful what you ask for

Make sure it’s really what you want

Because your mind is made for thinking

And energy follows thought

~ Willie Nelson, in Energy follows Thought, on the A Beautiful Time album

Love is inefficient

Your presence here is interfering with my efficiency.

~ Kirk, to Elaan, the Dohlman of Elas (who beguiled Kirk, with her love-potion tears) - Star Trek


Not all marriages are based on love.

In real life, you don't always get what you want. 

~ Jack's dad, to Jack, in Virgin River

Shhhh! It's my secret!

It's hard to cite my sources when the source is my ass that I'm pulling these answers out of.

~ found on the interwebs

In life, as in politics

Insufficient facts always invite danger. 
~ Spock, Star Trek, Season 1, Episode 24 (“Space Seed,” 1968)

We call that 'virtue signaling' today, Albert

As far as I'm concerned, I prefer silent vice to ostentatious virtue.

~ Albert Einstein

Ha, ha

You must learn to laugh, he once told me, or else you’ll just weep yourself to death.
~ Merlin, to Derfil, in The Winter King, by Bernard Cornwell

If only...

I have come to the conclusion that you need to go after what you want, even if it's the rougher road.

~ Hope, in Virgin River


It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop.

~ Confucius

Words to live by...

If you have a theory, you must try to explain what's good and what's bad about it equally.  

In science, you learn a kind of standard integrity and honesty.

~ Professor Richard Feynman, Physicist

Specifics, indeed

Specifics, Doctor.

Labels do not make arguments.

~ Spock, to Dr. McCoy, when discussing a new crew member in Star Trek