
Science was my most favorite subject, especially the Old Testament.

~ Kenneth, on 30 Rock

Tick, tock...

You've been waiting! All this time!

You've been waiting for the clock to run out!

~ Claire, to her husband, when he asked for a divorce, in Outlander

That's been my experience, too

It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. 
~ Mark Twain

Paraphrasing John Lennon (incompletely)

You may say that I'm a dreamer, 

but I'm not...

~ John Lennon

A lesson I’ve yet to learn…

1. You must let the pain visit.

2. You must allow it to teach you.

3. You must not allow it to overstay.

~ Ijeoma Umebinyuo

Eternal Truth...

And in the end,

the love you take

is equal to

the love your make.

~ Paul McCartney, the Beatles, the Abbey Road album

Yes. Yes, they do...

Everybody loves somebody sometime.

~ Dean Martin

Make your vote count, or else...

The forest was shrinking,

but the trees kept

voting for the axe.

For the axe was 

clever and convinced

the trees that because his handle 

was wood he was one of them.

~ West Asian Fable 

Aren't we all?

(Pop is crying)

Son: What's the matter, Pop?

Pop (tearfully):  I'm confused!

~ Moonstruck

Good advice with many potential applications

Probe with bayonets. If you encounter mush, proceed; if you encounter steel, withdraw. 

~ Attributed to Lenin, and a favorite saying of Richard Nixon

I agree. In theory...

For real people, if something works in theory, but not in practice, it doesn't work. 

For academics, if something works in practice, but not in theory, it doesn't exist. 

~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb