I've never met an envious billionaire, either...

The world is not driven by green, it's driven by envy.

And so the fact that everybody's five times better off then they used to be, the take it for granted.

All they think about is somebody else having more now and it's not fair that he should have it and they don't.  

That's the reason God came down and told Moses that he couldn't envy his neighbor's wife or even his donkey.  Even the old Jews were having trouble with envy!

It's built into the nature of things.

It's weird for somebody my age, because I was in the middle of the Great Depression, and the hardship was unbelievable.  I was safer walking around in Omaha in the evening (back then) than I currently am in Los Angeles after all this great wealth and so forth.

So I have no way of doing anything about it.  I can't change the fact that a lot of people are very unhappy and feel very abused after everything has improved about 600 percent, because there's still somebody who has more.

I've conquered envy in my own life.  I don't envy anybody.  I don't give a damn what somebody else has.

But other people are going crazy about it

~ Charlie Munger, billionaire, and Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway

Instagram is an envy multiplier

~ Elon Musk, also a billionaire